Welcome to Central Coast HEALth HQ.
At HEALth HQ we have a rich history of helping central coast families achieve optimal health and wellbeing. Dr Shannon Casinto graduated with Masters of Chiropractic (M.Chiro) and Bachelor Chiropractic Science (B.CSc) at Macquarie University.
Shannon also has a certificate of Atlas Orthogonal (Aust). Atlas Orthogonal Upper Cervical technique. https://www.upcspine.com
She has a passion to help people with musculoskeletal issues, low back pain, headaches, posture, etc. In 2012, she went on a missionary trip to provide chiropractic and medical support to the people of Siliguri, India. She has been involved with the Heart Foundation Walk, since 2013. Currently, she is researching part-time at the University of Newcastle with interest in neck pain/discomfort and headaches.